Mobile County Democratic Party

The Mobile County Democratic Party is composed of qualified voters from the County Commission Districts of the County of Mobile, Alabama. The Committee shall have the responsibility of discharging Democratic Party affairs within Mobile County subject to the direction of the state committee.



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What is the Mobile County Democratic Executive Committee?

The MCDEC is the local county representation of the State Democratic Party. The State Democratic Party (SDEC – State Democratic Executive Committee) is the state representative of the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

The MCDEC falls under the authority of and direct supervision of the SDEC.

Every 4 years during the election for Governor, we elect the committee members who will become the MCDEC. There are 12 positions per county commission district (6 male, 6 female). We are also allowed at-large minority (black) and youth members whose number is determined by the SDEC. A total of approximately 45 or more elected members compose the MCDEC. If there are more who qualify for a position than there are openings, these names appear on the ballot in the primary before the November governor’s election to select those who will serve on the MCDEC.

The MCDEC is charged with overseeing elections (making sure the process is handled correctly) and with recruiting candidates and working to elect Democrats to office.

In election years, we meet monthly and we have a headquarters 90 days prior to the November general election. Our members along with volunteers who join in work to elect Democrats on the ballot with phone banking, poll watching, voter registration, canvassing, human billboards, fundraising, etc.

You can participate by attending meetings and being part of one of our working committees and supporting our efforts to elect Democrats in Mobile County.

During non-election years, meetings are to be held no less than quarterly, but the committee often decides to meet every other month.

Our website is, where there is a calendar of events and other important information. Our phone number is 251-610-6081. Your support of and involvement in the MCDEC is welcome. Meetings are open to the public and are announced on our website at and our social media sites.


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Your donation will be used by the Mobile County Democrats to promote Democratic candidates and provide support for a democratic and progressive agenda. Your generous donation insures we can support local candidates and advocate for important issues at the local and state level.
